Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kabaya: God Bomber (Apex Bomber) Review

Hello again! This is another version of Saibaa Nichiyoobi. I will wrap up my Kabaya reviews today, by introducing the 3rd and final toy from Kabaya's 3rd wave of Transformers toys: God Bomber also known as Apex Bomber.

When comparing this box with Super Ginrai's: the art is similar, but different at the same time.

Open the box, and you'll see all the pieces that need to be assembled and the best tasting 5-minute flavored gum from Kabaya.

Here is my first complaint: the parts are really difficult to snap on without some force. Some smaller parts like God Bomber's feet have to slide through one of the pegs in the ankle, but since everything fits tightly, getting the feet all the way to one side wasn't easy. I struggled getting this guy together more than Starscream and Ginrai altogether. However, don't fight the pieces or else they will break! 

Alt Mode:  God Bomber transforms into an extra trailer for Super Ginrai to drag. His colors are red, blue, and a metallic gray.

What's cool is that thanks to the extended hook, you can attach him to the back of Ginrai's trailer too! However, his wheels do not roll at all. Also, the sticker that adds detail to the God Cannon seems a little messy. The sticker is literally meant to wrap around that way. 

Transformation:  Unfortunately, God Bomber must be partsformed into his robot mode just like Starcream. Here we go:

Robot Mode:  Because of God Bomber's arms and cannon, he stands around 4 inches tall.

He is a pretty cool looking drone that looks just about the same as the actual Autobot. The stickers really enhance the detail of him. If I could point out a flaw, the sticker that adds detail to God Bomber's cannon looks kind of messy. You think my sticker slapping skills is mediocre, but I can assure you that it's pretty much impossible to put them on without a flaw. I wish there was a lot more to say here, but I can't so let's move on.

Articulation:  The arms can rotate up and down, the elbows bend, and the legs bend sideways at the upper thigh.

Size Comparison:  God Bomber is just as tall as Super Ginrai.

However, God Bomber is short in the alternate mode category compared to the others.

Final Thoughts:  Although God Bomber's alternate mode seems a little bland (just the thought of being towed), he definitely serves another purpose in his partnership with Super Ginrai. I mean he looks cool as an extention to Ginrai's trailer, but there seems to be something lacking.

On the next Saibaa Nichiyoobi: an added article! For the next post, I will discuss GOD GINRAI!

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